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Genre: Animation Live Action

Director: Artur Dauti

Screenplay: Artur Dauti

Photography: Adi Grishaj

Editor: Herta Basha

Music: Fatos Qerimaj

Cast: Meri Dishnica Ergys Faja

We are all happy that early in the morning, we want to drink slowly, a coffee.
On the edge of the cup of coffee, whenever you serve it, there is always a drop of coffee. It flows smoothly down until the coffee inside the cup runs out. But, for this drop of coffee, thinks our character, one of those who we find today everywhere, who let nothing fall down but ... seek to consume it themselves, despite, they are not theirs.

Year Released: 2022
Length 11 minutes
Produced by: Bunker Film

BURRI-nga ARTUR DAUTI 2k.00_05_21_03_edi
BURRI-nga ARTUR DAUTI 2k.00_07_19_04.Still003.png

Copyright BUNKER FILM 2023

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