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"film service albania, film production albania"

Filming in Albania and Location Scouting

" Filming in Albania is a unique experience ” -  Gianni Amelio - Lamerica, L'intrepido


Practical information:


Albania is located in the west Balkans. It is bordered on the north by Montenegro, Kosovo and in East by Macedonia, Greece to the south and west by the Adriatic and Ionian Sea. Has an area of 28.748 square kilometers, as well as Belgium. Its population is officially 3 million 182 thousand inhabitants, three times less than Belgium. Albania has a Mediterranean climate in most of its surface, with mild winters and humid hot and dry summer. Just inside the country, on the eastern side, strongly is felt influences of continental climate. Albania has these main rivers sorted by the North-South direction. Drin, Mat, Ishmi, Erzeni, Shkumbin, Seman, and Vjosa. Albania's main lakes, are : Shkodra Lake, Ohrid Lake, Prespa, and Butrint.




Film Industry:


In Albania the film industry stopped after 1990, though the production of film is still active. The Albanian film studios released something like 14 feature, 10 documentary and 14 animation films per year, until 1990. Today the production of film is supported from the National Film Center  with an average of 1/2 feature film per year. Somehow Albania inherited skilled and trained people for film service within the country. Some of the major productions are like Gianni Ameglio's Lamerika and L'intrepido, or Theo Angelopulos Ulysses' Gaze.



The only international airport is the “Mother Teresa“ near Tirana. The rail system is idle. Much long-distance transport is covered by minibuses and buses. The land entering points are also from Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro. Largest ports are Durres and Vlore on the Adriatic Sea, from where twice daily are departing passenger and cargo ferries to Italy.Political System: Albania is a parliamentary democracy. In the June 2013 elections were won by a coalition of left Socialist Party led by Edi Rama. Democratic Party is the largest opposition party.The most appropriate time to visit the Albania: the period from May to September.


Filming in Albania:


Basically you can film on every place in Albania, and getting permissions is very easy. Major cities offer nice accommodation though nature offers a big diversity for filming. From high mountains, to forests and canyons, to deserted areas or coast line (sandy or rocky). People are helpful and nice, and costs are reasonable for a day of shooting. Many places offer great facilities for making commercials, and many young people are skilled with the digital post production. English and Italian are the tools of communication, but to believe, everyone should give a try. Welcome.



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